what we offer

Business Shaped Solutions

We are a personal and business consultancy company using uniquely designed tools to enable individual and companies improve potentials.

Balm Silver

balm platinum

Balm Executive Coach

Balm Talent scout

Balm Silver includes:

  • Professional Sales Development Consultancy
  • Performance Management
  • Offered for both Top and Middle Level Management
  • Standard 1 week Program

Balm Platinum includes:

  • Professional Sales Development Consultancy
  • Performance Management
  • Offered for both Top and Middle Level Management
  • Standard 1 month Program
  • Custom Program tailored to organizational context and needs
  • Business Turnaround & Transformation Consultancy

Balm Executive Coach includes:

Tailored to individual needs to catalyze personal growth, provide Leadership Edge and draw optimal solutions from teams

Talent Scout includes:

Connect exemplary talent to industry.